Right, so I am set to fly out on Friday morning, commencing a trip that I have been day dreaming about for quite some time now. It is yet to sink in that I’m actually going somewhere, which is ridiculous as I’ve been unemployed for over a month and homeless for almost just as long. I guess because I’ve been busy over that period, I haven’t been able to give much thought about where I’m heading.
The basic itinerary is Japan for 9 days, then onto Greece, where i’ll get to see the things I’ve been captivated by since i first read about them 20 years ago. From Greece, I’m hitting up the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Then on to Scotland, and a brief stopover in England before i head onto New York and then Canada.
This whole, blog thing, is a way for me to keep all the peoples who what to know what I’m up to, uptodate with my trip. I don’t really know how I’ll look to report, or even how. This is my first formal blog so it may be bundle of things.
Either way, I’ll endeavour to share my adventure as interestingly as possible.